零代码开发app!Claude Dev全自动写代码开发聊天机器人!超越Copilot!小白也能三分钟开发游戏!最强编程AI智能体! #claude3 #aiagents #aiprogramming

2 min readAug 9, 2024


🔥🔥🔥本篇笔记所对应的视频 https://youtu.be/Us6LQzKmgfs

Claude Dev 是一个创新开源项目,旨在将强大的 AI 助手集成到开发环境中,特别是 Visual Studio Code 中。利用大语言模型(如 Claude 3.5),帮助开发人员自动化和简化编码任务,让不懂编程的群体也能快速开发复杂app。


  1. 人机协同监督: Claude Dev 提供了一个用户界面,允许对每次文件更改和命令执行进行监督,确保 AI 的操作是安全且透明的。开发人员可以在操作执行之前批准或拒绝操作。
  2. 命令行集成: AI 可以直接在聊天界面中执行 CLI 命令,无需单独打开终端。开发人员可以通过简单的聊天输入响应交互式命令或退出进程。
  3. 文件和代码管理: Claude Dev 具备列出、读取和写入文件的工具,还可以从源代码中提取类和函数名称等关键元素。这帮助 AI 理解项目结构和意图,而不会因为不必要的细节而淹没上下文。
  4. 自主循环实现: Claude Dev 以“自主循环”的方式运行,尝试自动完成任务,并在需要时询问额外的信息。该循环会持续进行,直到任务完成或需要进一步的人工输入。
  5. 可定制的权限: 用户可以设置 API 请求的数量限制,并在 AI 继续操作之前进行批准,从而完全控制 AI 的操作。
  6. 无缝集成现有项目: Claude Dev 设计为能够顺畅地与现有代码库一起工作,通过理解文件和代码的结构组织,即使在大型、复杂的项目中也能成为一个有价值的助手。

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**👉👉👉我的开源项目 https://github.com/win4r/AISuperDomain**


Develop a .NET MAUI calculator app with a modern, sleek design featuring smooth animations, a consistent color scheme, and an intuitive button layout for both mobile and desktop platforms.

Develop a Minesweeper game using .NET MAUI with the following key features:

  1. Classic Minesweeper gameplay mechanics
  2. Three difficulty levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert
  3. Responsive UI design for both mobile and desktop platforms
  4. Clean, modern interface with intuitive controls
  5. Game state saving and a simple leaderboard
  6. Basic accessibility features

Develop a simple ChatGPT-like chatbot application using Blazor framework and local Ollama setup:

  1. Backend:
  • Integrate with local Ollama installation to utilize the llama3.1 model
  • Implement efficient communication between Blazor and Ollama
  1. Frontend (Blazor):
  • Create a clean, responsive UI similar to ChatGPT
  • Implement real-time updates using Blazor’s SignalR integration
  • Design components for chat input, message display, and user options
  1. Core Features:
  • Real-time chat functionality with message streaming
  • Message history display and persistence
  • Basic error handling and user feedback
  • Option to adjust llama3.1 model parameters (if supported by Ollama)
  1. Blazor-specific Considerations:
  • Use Blazor WebAssembly for client-side rendering
  • Implement efficient state management
  • Optimize performance for smooth user experience

Optimize the user interface for a more modern and visually appealing design:

  1. Implement a cohesive color scheme with a primary color and complementary accents
  2. Use modern typography for improved readability and visual hierarchy
  3. Adopt a clean, grid-based layout with effective use of whitespace
  4. Design sleek, custom components with subtle animations and micro-interactions
  5. Incorporate modern iconography and visual elements
  6. Ensure responsive design and consider adding a dark mode option

Optimize the chat window to adapt to browser size:

  1. Implement responsive design to fill available screen space
  2. Use flexible layouts (e.g., CSS Flexbox or Grid) for dynamic resizing
  3. Ensure proper content scrolling within the chat area
  4. Maintain readability and usability across different screen sizes
  5. Consider a collapsible sidebar for additional options on larger screens
  6. Test and adjust for various devices and orientations



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